Google recently announced games as part of Google Plus Service in direct competition to Facebook. What earlier was a battle cry with Facebook is now drawing into a full fledged war between the two companies. Also, with its increased investment in Zynga, this move was expected.
Games option just after “Circles” |
We all are aware how games like Farmville had made Facebook popular. Add to that, mini-economies built over social gaming. (Google had to tame the tiger)
From their official blog, it does seem that they already have 16 games to start with. And yes, few of your favorites – Angry Birds, Bejeweled Blitz are part of this launch. “Farmville” though with its exclusive partnership with Facebook might not be around on Google+.
The team at Google+ claims:
“If you’re not interested in games, it’s easy to ignore them. Your stream will remain focused on conversations with the people you care about.”
And this should take care about privacy.
For me, though the Games button is not active yet but am sure I will see it soon. It will be interesting to see how much Gaming will enhance adoption and fortunes of Google+.
Malhar’s Social Media BLOG.