First of all, let me thank Social Samosa & Ankita Gaba for the bag of Samosa Goodies on winning their first SamosaChats Twitter Chat. They were delicious & the only stuff that remains out of it is one samosa here in the picture.
Personally, I wasn’t looking to win anything, but it was about participating in a Twitter Chat which ran during India time & one which would leverage on the experience of local talents. SamosaChats just did that & as many of you know me as a Crazy Twitter Chatter, I had to be there.
If you’re still wondering…
What is #SamosaChats??
SamosaChats is a Twitter Chat, which runs on Wednesday 3 PM India time. The chat is being supported by folks from Social Samosa and the focus of this chat is around all things social. The team invites experts to talk on niche topics on Social Media. Do join us there…
As for the day I got selected for Samosa goodies, we had some great discussion with Rohan Dighe (@iRohan) on Social Graphs. Rohan was kind enough to explain everyone on the chat about Social Graphs, the implications and also the difference between Social & Open Graph. The ‘Storify’-ed or archive of the entire chat is here.
Rohan is a founder of Social Deal Factory and an amazing exponent of Social Graphs. Social Samosa team had also done an interview with Rohan, where the key questions were put across & he has provided some excellent answers. The interview is on Social Samosa website.
For me, it was a great learning experience on Social Graphs. Since the time we had heard about Open Graphs from Mark Zuckerburg, it always intrigued me on how Open Graphs can be leveraged by individuals and/or brands. The chat session took me across the journey from Open Graph to Social Graph are how both are interconnected. Now, it’s easy for me to relate the importance of tagging content and the way it would be understood by different social platforms. It was indeed a great learning experience.
Since, #SamosaChats is about 2 chats old, I would like other social media experts, especially in India to join us & make this chats a great hour of learning and sharing. Check out Social Samosa‘s website for schedules.
Till then, if you have any doubts on Social or Open Graph, do utilize the comments below & shoot me a question. Will try to address it or have Rohan join the discussion.