On 3/14 I was the guest at #MediaChat talking with Aaron Kilby and rest of the participants on ‘Parenting in the Age of Social Media’. The topic was something that would resonate with all the parents who see their kids spend much of their time on social network. We had some great discussion and there were few tweets that stood out amongst the rest.
First though, here are the questions that were covered as part of #MediaChat.
1. Has Social Media Changed Parenting?
2. Are we raising a digital generation
3. Is increased mobile use making it more difficult?
4. Is Social Media bad for kids?
5. Do we monitor their Social Media usage?
6. Can there be a best way of parenting this generation?
7. What are the 2 key aspects that you would educate the kid about?
8. Should Social Media be taught in school?
My Answers
A1. Yes with the advent in technology and rise in number of social platforms, parenting this generation has changed #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A1. They are so very well connected with their peers and they sometimes know about platforms we have never heard of #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A1. As parents, we often play catch up with them #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A2. Yes, I though say they are connected generation.#MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A2. Digital is so interwoven with their life with iPods, Xbox, mobiles and more. Just think, 95% of teens are on the internet. #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A2. To help them, as parent we need to know more, so we have a group goo.gl/9uMuF #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A3. Mobile have certainly changed how kids access the web.#MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A3. Earlier you could have a computer in common area, but kid with a mobile can be anywhere. It’s tough to monitor the usage. #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A4. No, it is not really bad and that’s what we ought to convey #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A4. There are instance of bullying, but on the brighter side, you can get the kid to involve in so many other activity #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A5. Monitoring – Yes. But Obsessive monitoring or spying is a strict no. #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A5. Maybe while they are young or early teen, sit with them as they start using those networks and show how interaction works #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A6. I do not have any best practice, as I believe each child and home is unique #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A6. What we need to remember is, depending on the usage and knowledge, Social Media can be either good or bad for them #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A7. I consider Privacy and Security as the 2 most important aspect of safely online, the same goes to Social Media.#MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A8. Let the kids know what can & cannot be shared – phone number, birth dates, check ins #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
A8. It sure has to. Am a great proponent of having Social Media education in schools #MediaChat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) March 15, 2013
Tweets We Loved
A1) SocMed makes it difficult to “filter” what kids are exposed to – making it harder to know what questions may need answering #MediaChat
— Ray Gordon (@RayJGordon) March 15, 2013
Teaching kids “common sense” and awareness- can help in what ever digital world they enter #mediachat
— Timm McVaigh (@BrandIdeas) March 15, 2013
RT @hollychessman: A4 Theres nothing inherently wrong with social media just have to help your kids learn how to use it correctly #Mediachat
— Jewel Fryer (@jewelfry) March 15, 2013
Just because they are Digital Natives doesn’t qualify them to manage Social Business. Need biz knowledge too #mediachat
— Linda Sherman Gordon (@LindaSherman) March 15, 2013
YES! RT @rayjgordon: A7) Two SocMed tips for kids: Don’t believe everything you read + What you say online is forever #MediaChat
— Britt Michaelian (@BrittMichaelian) March 15, 2013
Social media, coding, online privacy, online predators, and scams should all be taught in schools. #Mediachat
— Jewel Fryer (@jewelfry) March 15, 2013
Thank you all for all the great conversation and if you have any parenting tip for kids on Social Media use, do share with us here!