Twitter is widely becoming a space for lead generation and thus what you tweet can often lead to a potential client either coming or going away from you. In this sense, Twitter Marketing is of paramount importance.
Getting shared or retweeted, mentioned is a great sign of right Twitter Marketing strategy and brands are increasingly devising ways that can help them drive this kind of engagement.
But how do you do it, where is the art?
Twitter Marketing Rockstar
1. Introduction
Having a great DP and a great bio is at the core of any Twitter account. It’s all about BRANDING. Few like me avoid following DP with brand’s logo. Since we like to interact with individuals, it’s difficult to adapt to a logo. Better use a headshot.
Also, the bio should describe all that can be attributed to you. Leverage all the space that you get to share things about you/brand.
Hat tip: You can use hashtags in bio. Use it to describe your interest list
2. Creating That Rocking Tweet
You just have 140 chars to write that rocking tweet. The most effective way to do is:
a. Short headline
b. Call to Action
c. Provide Value
And you need to combine all of the above in 140 chars and that is a daunting task.
Remember the 80/20 rule, 80% of people share your tweet based on the headline and on 20% click and read the content. Have a powerful headline. Make it powerful using good CTA or providing some value to the reader.
According to this article on ‘Getting Viral on Twitter‘ by Dan Zarella, 70% of retweets contain links. This means, people are more likely to share if they find value in your tweet.
The other way to create that rocking tweet is sharing ‘How-to’ information. People like to solve their problems, if you give answer to that, in all probability, the links would be read and shared.
3. Sharing
On Twitter, you are what you share. Avoid sharing links, information you would not like to be attributed for.
A car brand talking politics is not done. Stick to your niche.
Timing of a tweet is an important aspect of Twitter Marketing. You have to be on the the platform when your engagers are.
Guy Kawasaki said this once, ‘repeat your tweets‘. Like you, even I was surprised. The Twitter Marketing Strategy he adopts is, repeating will increase your reach. You never know which part of the world is awake while your tweet has been sent out. Repeating it at certain span will catch attention of different users and thus increase the reach.
4. Follow the Leaders
When you’re unsure or just starting your Twitter Marketing campaign, it would make perfect sense that you follow some of the leaders in your space. See what and how they are doing, what kind of links they are sharing. Observing them will also give you an idea of how others engage in that niche.
Though, eventually you should branch out and start making your own Twitter Marketing Strategy and leverage all the reports you have generated – best time to tweet, link sharing, etc.
5. Use Tools
Usage of right set of Twitter tools should be part of your Twitter Marketing Strategy. These Twitter tools help in automation and also in gathering key insights about your Twitter campaign.
No one tool will suffice all your requirement so I suggest you the ‘horses for courses’ approach.
Your Turn
- What Twitter Marketing Strategy has worked for you?
- Can there be only one approach to Twitter Marketing?
Share your views over the comments below.