5 Secrets to Create Blog Post Quicker

Blog Post

Blog Post

Racing against time to write a blog post??

Well, you might not be alone. Many of us have faced writer’s block on multiple occasions. I know how bad you can feel when you just stare at the blank screen trying to think about the next post and nothing comes up.

If you’re a regular blogger, writing to schedules, we live with moments when nothing comes out of our head. On such occasions, I have often resorted to creating a blog post faster.

No, am not going to talk about all the spinning others post or getting ghost writers to do it or other unethical means, but this are some tricks that I use.

5 Faster Blog Post Secrets


1. List Posts

Grab some of your old posts or ideas and make a list. If more than one subject, create bucket list and share it.


2. Infographics

Remember the adage – ‘A picture is worth thousand words’. Create a graphic representation of your ideas and share it. Today, there are many infographic tools available or you can even use Microsoft Powerpoint to create one.

You can even source infographics from different places and share on your blog. Pinterest, Google Images or Flickr are great places to find reusable infographics.


3. Reviews

Tool developers and users are always on lookout for reviews of the tool. If you’ve found a new, interesting tool – trying doing a quick review and share it on your blog post.

I have seen such reviews generating amazing amount of traffic.


4. Roundup

Personally, I love doing the roundup blog post. This type of post gives you a great amount of freedom and you can be at your creative best. While my posts are typically a roundup of all the things that I have read over the week on a particular subject, you can even be random about it.

These days, I am experiment with List.ly to create the round-up post and they are giving me great results.

Example –

5. Re-post Article

The last quick way to do a blog post is re-posting older articles or articles you may have written at other places. Make sure you make some changes to the article before hitting the publish.

Or you can even have a verbatim of an infographic that was published earlier.

Example –

So there, I just revealed my secrets of doing quick posts.

Your Turn

1. Do you have any quick post strategy when you face writer’s block?

Share it here and we will be glad to learn about it.

Photo Credit: Tidewater Muse

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