5 Key Strategies to Rock GooglePlus

Rock GooglePlus

Rock GooglePlus

Now is the time to rock GooglePlus!

If you are waiting for hordes of people to join and then jump on GooglePlus, let me tell you, you could be late. The game of Google is to build social search, so it would pay you well to be active NOW!

Looking at the recent Penguin updates it is pretty evident the more content on social media and particularly on GooglePlus can help you rank better.

And since I have heard folks complaining GooglePlus is not quite user-friendly, maybe, you should visit again. The interface is pretty sleek and it has some awesome features there.

So here I am sharing…

5 Tips to Rock GooglePlus

1. Setup the profile

Google+ has a better way of showing your profile. Use that space well. A point to note is that it supports one of the biggest size of photo on any of the social platform. Be at your creative best.

It has defined areas for adding tagline, introduction and has bragging rights too. Leverage this space to tell as much about YOU to get people interested.

2. Share appropriate links


Sharing of links to your social profiles and also as contributor to other sites is pretty helpful from SEO perspective. The links on ‘Contributor To’ section has a direct impact on AuthorRank and in verification of Authorship. Ensure you specify correct details in order to get the best possible SEO result.

3. Be Active

Rock GooglePlus! Being active here ensures that your content gets better ranking on their search engine. Share content often and use *, _  & – to emphasize your content in bold, italics & strike-through respectively. Text Formatting feature is quite good to mark the key words within the update.

Mix content often and like Facebook’s EdgeRank, Google+’s AuthorRank is treats images well too. So ensure that your content is visually rich.

Also, keep track of the trending topics and you can leverage them to share your content.

4. Leverage hashtags

No doubt hashtags have been hijacked from Twitter, but the recent update of Google+ ensured that even if you do not add a hashtag to your update, it’ll add one automatically based on the message. But to ensure that your update gets listed properly, add appropriate hashtag(s).

The trending topics discussed in #3, leverage hashtags.

5. Join Communities

GooglePlus Communities was one of the best feature that has been launched till date. Unlike Facebook Group, Communities have enormous possibilities to engage over different topic within the same group.

Join and leverage communities to learn and share great content.

Hope you are able to rock GooglePlus with those tips.

Your Turn

1. Share your Google+ Profile or connect with me on Google+ here

2. What are your reasons for not adopting Google+?

3. If you have adopted, how often do you engage there?

Please comment and look forward to hear your thoughts.

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