Top 5 Posts on Facebook Video Ads – Week #31

Facebook Video Ads

Facebook Video Ads

According to few news items over the web, Facebook Video Ads are set to make a debut this fall. It is said that these 15 second ads on your news feeds will not be too much in-the-eye kind.

No wonder, since the recent Facebook Revenues suggest that nearly $1.6 billion are being generated through ads and Facebook Video ads could add one more earning avenue.

Now that has got attention of many marketers. It could mean they have another window of opportunity to showcase business. As the WSJ article suggests, few marketers had already prepared video ads expecting a summer launch and few brands had committed too. So, it could be a great move.

But coming to users, how much ever Facebook says that it will not be distracting, I assume people may despise it for the same reasons.

Here are few posts that I read over the week on Facebook Video Ads. The views are from extremely exciting to few post which tell that such a move can backfire and hurt the platform.

My views:

[color-box]1. Having one more avenue to generate interest could be a goldmine for brands and content marketers.

2. Video ads should be very subtle otherwise it can be annoying for the users.

3. I love the 15-second limit on the video ads, can even reduce it to 10-seconds to make it more attractive for brands and at the same time easy on eye for users. [/color-box]

What you can do next?

1. Add a great post about Facebook Video Ads

2. Share your views about Video ads

3. Do you think Facebook is becoming more of Ad platform than social platform

So read on…

Top 5 Posts on Facebook Video Ads

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Photo Credit: The Metal Maniac

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