Top 5 Posts on Twitter IPO – Week #36

twitter ipo

Twitter IPOtwitter ipo was announced last week. A single tweet was enough to send the analysts and experts trying to get more information about the news.

After all the ups and downs of Facebook IPO, the Twitter IPO is being talked about much and people have already started questioning the revenue streams of Twitter.

Unlike Facebook Ads, Twitter leaves very less space for ads and with this IPO filing, people are wondering if we might see more ads and sponsored tweets making into our timelines.

For Twitter, they have a huge audience, but how much of that is really monetizable? Can they really make the max out of sponsored tweets? A recent look at Facebook’s revenues and it’s share from mobile ads is a good indicator of things to come, will Twitter follow that lead?

Many questions really!!

My take about the Twitter IPO


1. Revenues

How long will they depend on just one monetization model. As the markets would want to see better returns on their investments, the folks at Twitter would look forward to add more ad making units.

2. Leveraging Users

They have the reach. 200 million is a huge number. We might see Twitter leveraging user content and get brands campaign do better. Brands would love to run analytics on the shared data and pay quite well.


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Top 5 Posts on Twitter IPO

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