Social Media in Classrooms…Enabler??

I was inclined to write on this as there were couple of tweets where the discussion revolved around the usage of Social Media in Classroom and how its assists the students & teachers alike. And here I present my take on it…

Though overwhelming majority are still unsure about the usage of SM in classrooms but it seems that the pros clearly outweight the risks associated with it.

Imagine, the classroom discussion spans to Twitter, where the students share a # tag & we could see participation from outside the school too…And so there is a message which was limited to a small stream of thoughts & now it being discussed over a wider platform, imagine the result…This is a great enabler!!!

We have always known that the internet has penetrated quite deep & you like it or not, the students are using it at much bigger scale than what we can imagine. And now with the trends of smartphones, they are seamlessly connected. Then why not adopt the new technology & ensure that the schools get in sync with its students.

Here are my ideas for school to utilize Social Media:

1. Promote usage – Simply put, you cannot stop the usage, better ride the wave & promote usage, but yes I am all for moderation & having restrictions (undoubtedly)

2. Engage students – Interactivity amongst students fosters learning, so ensure various activities are published on the Social Media where students can participate

A school page on Facebook

Here’s the Facebook page of NC State University Graduate School.  A student asking for materials & so on..The students will surely engage, when relevant collateral – notes, assignments, videos, events are shared.
3. Ensure Participation
We many a time mistake engagement with participation. Taking a holistic view of the type of students in the class. This medium might help students who would otherwise be reluctant to raise their doubts. Behind the veil of technology, the schools can as well encourage participation from these student community.

Honestly, this might not replace the existing system of education, but my view is, it can help both the student + teacher community in their desired goals. Its certainly is an enabler!!

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