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Courtesy: nokhoog_buchachon |
The letter of the day is ‘C’ and for the guys in Social Media world, its stands for the dreaded ‘Content Strategy’. As marketers & especially in the social media space, tt’s the singlemost aspect in deciding the success of content going viral. A good content strategy should ensure that it is easy to be found & engaging.
For the content, that has essentially gone viral, on careful analysis, you might see a pattern. Ape it!!!
Hence, its essential to have a good content strategy at the heart of any campaigns so that you gather enough leads. Here are my top 5 clues to help you ace content strategy:
1. Define niche
Identify an area of expertise to talk about. Reader’s come to your blog to learn something, but if cannot offer learning on the same subject over your posts, chances are, they are not coming back. Capture the trends in your domain & write about it, you’ll always have the first-mover advantage.
2. Determine Audience
Based on the post you have written & the traffic that has been generate, analyze your audience. You should be able to know which part of the world reads more, shares more. Target this audience by ensuring that your post covers what they want.
3. Curate Relevant Content
It would be a difficult task to think about content day in & day out. So better curate content. Internet is flooded with noise, determine what you want. I use channels like Google Reader, Scoop.it to curate content for my blog.
4. Include Call-to-actions (CTA)
One of the most important aspect of any content strategy is to have a CTA. You need to be able to get the reader on what to do next after visiting your content. Asking them for opinion, to share or even getting them to download your ebook are good CTAs.
5. Social Sharing
The last one though has to be about sharing. Give your reader multiple opportunities to share your content. Pick up any one of the plug-in available over the web & have it on your page. Make it easy for the reader to share your content.
This are some of the tips that I have gathered by experience & am trying to master it.
My CTA for you is to share it, as I have put multiple social sharing links (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Stumbleupon, Buffer.it). You can also share your opinion using the comments section below.
Malhar’s Social Media BLOG.