The festival season has started in our part of the world with just two days to go for Diwali and I see that social media being leveraged by many brands as an additional medium for marketing. This while the other part of the world is celebrating Obama’s victory where again social media did play a huge role.
So how do you use social media?? Has social media brought about a devil in us? This was the point raised in the first post that I am going to talk about and that would describe my reads for this week.
5 Posts on how you leverage Social Media
- Setting the stage for this week is a post by Jeff Wilson, known more for ‘Sensei Blog’. He has very nicely deliberated on the topic of customers who rant out on social media. Most of the customer will hardly share a good experience, but they will not shy away from reporting a bad experience and trolls are having a great time with that. Indeed it empowers customers, but on the other side, it’s even creating bullies. Make sure you read the post and tread with caution on your Social Media journey.
- The second post that stood out this week was by Will Roberts. We have all seen how social media effect our daily chores and I had this infographic in my previous post. In our endeavor to be around on the platforms 24/7, we do miss out a lot in personal and professional life. Tune in to his radio talk and listen to his tip to ensure that ‘you use Social Media and not that Social Media uses you‘
- Meanwhile, @Gazalla Gaya came up with this nice post for everyday needs of content creators. She has listed some amazing FREE resources that can help you master the art of content creation. If you’re a blogger or content creator in another form, make sure you’ve read the post.
- Back to the usage of Social Media, this post, though bit old from Lighthouse Insights, clearly identifies the need to have a business goal for any social media campaign. The examples they have provided are spot-on with clear results amplified and analyzed. I agree with the point that there cannot be a successful campaign unless you back it up with clear goals and engagement with followers. For brands, it is important to be ‘SOCIAL’.
- Finally, this was an interesting post by Nick Kellet, the co-founder of The post very succinctly explores the type of people we find around. Each of us are born with some natural traits and the post asks us to analyze those and classify under 4 key types. For myself, I would be somewhere under the ‘CRITICAL THINKER’ type. Hope you have fun reading this.
This is it for the week!!!
Your Turn
So what did you read and learn this week?? Use the comments below & share your story.
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