How many times have you found yourself diving into your Twitter or Facebook while you should in fact be working? I need to admit that I have been guilty of accessing my social media account while at work and sometimes they are a drain on your productivity.
How does Social Media drains Productivity?
Per the infographic below, it has cost an astonishing $650 billion per year to the American economy by the way of you accessing Social Media at work. And it has been equally bad for students and workers. Many more have been found to be away from exercising and spending 2x more time on Facebook. This is an interesting stat if you’re in University, nearly 3 hours are being spent by students on social media sites and only 2 hours on studies, resulting in lesser grades.
As for workers, 1 in 10 are interrupted every 10.5 minutes by either a tweet, a Facebook update or even a simple instant message and it takes them 23 minutes to go back to work.
So, wonder if all this social media updates are worth it when it is causing such a big drain on the economy?? Share you views using the comments below.
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