5 Best Social Media Post for Week #44

Five Social Media

Five Social MediaThis week two different parts of the world were fighting natural calamities, Sandy in East US and Nilam in Sout-East India. My best wishes go to everyone affected by those storms but we got to acknowledge the power of social media which kept many of us updated on the news of each of the calamities.

Calamities apart, my work still continued with frenetic pace irrespective of the overcast weather and erratic power supply. Here are the 5 best Social Media posts that I have read over the week.

5 Best Social Media post of Week #44

  1.  The battle of visual supremacy is well known and we have seen how Google & Facebook have picked up few companies like Instagram. The war as I would term has got some more serious competition now with Pinterest in frame and this post gives a nice glimpse in this battle of supremacy between Facebook and Pinterest. Perhaps I would have liked more if the author could have given a clear winner, but I would agree by his point that visual is one of the best way to evince interest. Personally, I feel that Pinterest has better chances to succeed since it already has a dedicated follower base who know how to utilize the platform. Compared to that, while Facebook does have more users, they are diverse in the terms of usage patterns and it would be difficult for them to adapt to the new features. What’s your point??
  2. While doing a research for my post on tweaks in EdgeRank, I came upon this great post by Jay Baer. With the changes in EdgeRank algorithm, everyone is looking forward to capitulate on the ‘Promote’ feature of Facebook. Though it is very important to know when exactly should the post be promoted so that it can give you the biggest bang for your bucks. Make sure you download the PDF and see how STIR can get you the desired results. Good luck!!
  3. A research for small Facebook contest opened a treasure trove for me. I saw many brands pages doing it the wrong way and also few instances where Facebook had brought down those pages for not following the Facebook ToS. This post by Vinaya Naidu explores the basics of conducting a successful Facebook Contest. Make sure you’re reading this post if you’re a Page owner or administrator and wanting to have a contest on your page. My take, be careful about the Facebook ToS or else be ready for worse!!
  4. Women of the world rejoice!! Why? Here’s the post that is dedicated to 25 women who rocked Social Media in 2012 and while I follow few of them like Arianna Huffington & Shelly Kramer religiously, it was great to know about the others who rocked. I have always appreciated the work done by Cisco on Social Media and it was good to know the face beyond its various strategies is LaSandra Brill.
  5. Many times you come across some gem of a post on those Twitter Chats and this one post which came upon on #SEOTalk which I co-host with Jaydip Parikh, explores the best times to publish a video. Since, vlogging is the way forward and if you’re exploring the option to publish a video blog, go through the link and see what would work for you.

Hope you enjoy those posts equally well.

Your turn

So which were your favorites for the week? Also share your views on the posts above using the comments below. Have a wonderful week ahead!!

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