Top 5 Social Media Automation Tools To Streamline Your Web Presence

Social Media Tools

This is a guest post by Mohit Seth

Social Media AutomationIn the present scenario, social media is thought to be the most essential as well as effective platform that helps you interact with your target consumer bases, create a rapport and engage them with your business in a cost effective as well as interesting manner. Therefore social media automation is in the limelight for obvious reasons. You can streamline your social media optimization initiatives if you are going to include the right kind of tools, which are going to help you out in. Here are 5 essential tools for you to consider in this regard.


Gist is a highly effective automation tool that helps you integrate your social media profiles with your personal email accounts. With the help of this effective social media widget you can choose to link your important contact lists with a number of social media platforms such as Face book, Twitter, Google+ etc. Gist is particularly going to rope in rich dividends for you if you make it a point to integrate it with Google+ as well as Gmail. If you start using Gist you are going to find it out that you can put together your important data such as your emails, attachments, blog posts, news as well as links on a single dashboard. Social media moguls suggest using this particular widget as it gives you the leverage of conducting database management, contact management and social media management from a single dashboard. is a highly effective widget that helps you to feed your content, blog posts as well as RSS posts to link to Linkedin, Twitter, App Net, Pinterest, Face book etc. It is believed by industry experts that the widget is particularly useful for bloggers and publishers. is a great way to boost up traffic to your social media profiles or your business site and thereby drive sales. With the help of this particular tool, you can generate custom messages and texts apart from RSS feeds.

Bundle post

Bundle post is an automated widget that offers you invaluable help in terms of database scheduling, content aggregation, content management, auto-hashtagging as well as many other activities that makes your profile more effective as well as attractive. In terms of effectiveness, this particular automation tool can be compared with Tweet Deck and Hoot Suite.


This particular social media tool is regarded as one of the best blog optimization widgets. With the help of this particular tool, you can integrate your blog with social media platforms such as Google+, Face book, Linkedin, Twitter etc. and drive a good amount of readership to your blog. Triberr is a good way of connecting with other blogger who share same wave length. Using Triberr, you can create multiple communities or tribes.

Tweet Beep

Tweet beep helps you receive messages from Twitter. You get the messages in your email ID. The tool gives you the leverage to know what other are tweeting about your business, products or services.

If you make it sure that you are going to use the aforementioned automation tools in a strategic manner you can reap rich benefits out of the tools. Using the tools, you are going to offer a wealth of information to the visitors of your profile and get them engaged. What’s more, these tools help you manage your online reputation as well as your rapport with your customers in a seamless fashion.


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