Sometime back, I was pondering on what would make my readers come back. And the clear answer was ‘writing irresistible content’.
You know the Harry Potter series? Didn’t JK Rowling make you come back to read each books, over and over? What did she do that others found difficult?
And the answer again lies in ‘writing irresistible content’. Her story always captured your imagination and that’s what we all writer need to do.
Here are…
3 steps to write irresistible content
1. Know the subject
I see people write and share content on blogs, that are all over the place. This way you’re doing a great disservice to your readers. They are not really sure about your forte and cannot make up their mind on why they should be visiting your blog. Unless you’re writing for a publication that spans multiple subject, do not go beyond the scope of your blog.
What to do?
a. Identify your forte
b. Share useful information about that subject
c. Do not dilute information
These steps will tell the world that you know the subject pretty well and thus write ‘irresistible content’. Who knows, tomorrow you might be known as a thought leader and could be setting trends for the subject.
Also, you should mix content. Get infographics or even interesting videos for your content.
2. Never write without a plan
Great dreams or pipe dreams? Without a plan great dreams cannot be converted to actions.
And ‘Failure to plan is planning to fail’
I have imbibed this statement for a long time now. You should too.
What to do?
1. Create content buckets
2. Setup editorial calendar
Great writers always divide the subject into multiple buckets. This helps in putting the focus back on a subset and you rather than talking at 10k feet, will be able to share much more engaging content.
Also, having editorial calendar helps in keeping the plan intact. You will know about the right set of keywords to use and also keep track about deadlines.
3. Hit publish often
You can never write irresistible content, if you aren’t consistent. And it is one of the best way to keep your flock together. In this age, where information traverses at the speed of light, you cannot afford to provide your reader with stale information.
What to do?
1. Know your audience
2. Gather reliable information
Knowing your audience will help your research easier. Follow the influencers for a while and learn what they are talking about. Read others opinion and drop yours. Other readers opinion and their pain point will give you an idea to create some content addressing those. Gather them and write about it regularly.
Also Read: 4 Blogging Misconceptions Debunked
I know it tough to follow a pattern and keep writing irresistible content each time, but am sure those steps should help you set the ball rolling.
And if you have your own tips to writing irresistible content, do share it with us using the comments below.