The Anatomy of Twitter Hashtag [Infographic]

Twitter Hashtag

Ever wondered about the Twitter Hashtag?

With many businesses now leveraging Twitter for engaging with customers and prospects, it is important that we understand the Twitter Hashtag ecosystem and know:

1. What is Twitter Hashtag

2. Why use Hashtag

3. Where to find the popular hashtags

This infographic gives answers to all of the above.

What is Twitter Hashtag

According to the infographic, a hashtag will allow you to define the subject for a particular tweet. It helps you mark keywords or topics that help you group tweets based on similar hashtag.

Why use hashtags

The primary use of hashtags is to group certain tweets in order for them to be searchable. If you’d like your tweet to be found, use a hashtag. It’s surprising that on 24% of the tweets have hashtags in them, but I see it getting used pretty often lately.

The best example of leveraging hashtags is Twitter Chats. Hashtags have helped people with similar interest to form group and communicate at certain times.

Where to find hashtags




 Few Interesting Twitter Hashtag Stats

1. Tweets with hashtag receive 2x times the engagement

2. 21% more engagement when upto 2 hashtags are used

3. 17% decrease in engagement when more that 2 hashtags are used

Check out this infographic for some awesome information.

Twitter Hashtag

Your Turn

1. How are you leveraging Twitter Hashtags?

2. What are the best practices in using Twitter Hashtags?

Infographic Courtesy: Stephen Leijon

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