Yesterday I had the honor of being a guest on #ContentChat hosted by Jenise Fryatt. We talked about ‘Google+ Communities and Content Marketing’ on this Twitter Chat.
Needless to say, the hour went by quite quickly and we had great interaction going on the Twitter Chat.
The goal of any marketing campaign is to
- Gain followers
- Generate interest
- Build traction
For that, it is important that all forms of content marketing. The coming of Google+ Communities added one more channel to all of the previous channels.
But how can Google+ Communities make a difference to current content marketing efforts.
Here are some of the interesting interactions and my answers during the Twitter Chat.
Google+ Communities and Content Marketing
Q1. What are Google+ Communities?
Social Media always has a blend of engagement and features like Google+ Communities help in focused, less cluttered engagement #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
Google+ Communties bring together people sharing similar interests, ensuring relevant discussions and relationship. #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
Q2. Why are they useful for content marketing?
With some amazing features, focused interactions, using right mixture of content, it’s easy to get discovered on G+ Community #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A2.2 Remember, Google is creating an ecosystem around search. So it’s essential that yr content marketing strategy includes G+ #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A2.3 Engagement on G+ Community is also given a preference in search, so share relevant content #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
Q3. How are Google+ communities different from Facebook groups?
A3.1 Unlike Facebook Groups, G+ Communities has lot of additional features – 1. Hangouts, 2.Subgroups 3. Email Notifications #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A3.2 Hangout is the most used feature since you can get on it and do a video chat with 15 participants. #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A3.3 Categories/Subgroups enables segmentation of content and thus keeps the entire experience clutter-free #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
Q4. Can you share some ideas for using Google+ Communities for content marketing?
A4.1 1. Know your audience 2. Understand Engagement times 3. Seed appropriate content 4. Comment and share your opinion #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A4.2 Content marketers can leverage the platform to share mix of content – articles, images, videos to drive engagement #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A4.3 Once in a while, stir the pot. A little controversy can bring out best engagement. Do it but mind your manners #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A4.4 Visuals always make a great recall value. Create and share good graphics and other content. Limit self-promotion. #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
Q5. How can people learn more about using Google+ Communities for content marketing?
A5.1 Greatest learning from FB groups is – Join chosen communities (much less than groups), engage and be relevant. #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A5.2 Read this post on @12Most – and about leveraging G+ communities #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
A5.3 One can also read about G+ communities on Google #contentchat
— Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) August 5, 2013
And here are some interesting tweets from the participants,
One cool thing about Google+ communities is that you can use a business page instead of a personal profile #contentchat
— Ebyline (@Ebyline) August 5, 2013
@malharbarai Furthermore, as the communities are focused, you can put your content in front of the right crowd = content mkting #ContentChat
— Onboardly (@Onboardly) August 5, 2013
@MalharBarai @eventsense @CircleCount You can find out your CIRCLERANK???!!! Oh wow I did not know that existed! #ContentChat
— Karl Pearson-Cater (@bigboxcar) August 5, 2013
Seems like the G+ business model is to take elements from other platforms and streamline. We should see a lot of improvements #contentchat
— Ebyline (@Ebyline) August 5, 2013
@SmarterShft I feel G+ is a more minimalistic community, hence making it intrinsically more focused with less distractions #ContentChat
— Onboardly (@Onboardly) August 5, 2013
@ideabloke 140 character limit on Twitter gives Google+ the advantage IMO – although I love and use both #contentchat
— Donna Beckett (@BeckettandCo) August 5, 2013
And a night well spent!!
Your Turn
1. How are you leveraging Google+ Communities?
2. Are they part of your content marketing strategies?