Top 5 Posts on Content Discovery – Week #37

Content Discovery

Content DiscoveryContent Discovery forms the basis of any content marketing strategy. It’s imperative for marketers to be relevant and by all means they need good content.

By all means, the process of content discovery is the key to a successful campaign and has a direct impact on the RoI of the campaign.

So, this week I went around the web looking for some great articles that would help in understand content discovery better, find its relevance and few tools that can be of help.

Key Messages from the Articles

I start off with the brilliant article by Rachel Foster where she shares the RoI impact of content discovery. Interestingly, she shares 2 perspectives – the customer and the marketer. The key message comes from Gilad de Vries, SVP Strategy (Outbrain), where he tells us to share different kind of content, you’ll never know which will appeal to the audience. Brilliant!!

The second one J-P De Clerck is spot on with his observation that social engagement is necessary for content discovery. He takes the perspective of Google and the likes to share the observation that content being ‘served’ to the audience is based on relevance and engagement. So social signals and engagement should be part of your content strategy.

The third one by Kat French talks if content discovery will really revolutionize marketing or is it just a myth. Well, I will leave it for you to decide that, because she has an interesting take that I would not want to reveal right here.

And that follows one article on tools that can help you discover content. Ian Cleary in his post shares 3 tools that should I pretty much use regularly. They are awesome!

The last one on the list is a practical example of how content discovery has changed how we look for things. It’s amazing to note that 40% Prefer Social Media Over Search Engines For Content Discovery.

Look no further, check out the links here…

Top 5 Posts on Content Discovery

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What you can do now?

1. Do you believe that content discovery is just another name for search engine?

2. Has social media added one more dimension to content discovery?

Tell me your views in the comments below.

Image Credit: Flickr

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