3 Quick Ways to Create Blog Post Ideas

blog post ideas

blog post ideas

Writing a blog post and looking for inspirations? You have a rocking blog, but how often are you in a situation that you’re left fumbling for good blog post ideas?

In my experience, there is not writer in this world who has not met with a brick wall and found themselves staring at their notepads, screens wondering what to write.

How much do we wish that the idea pipe would always be full and it would just start flowing as soon as we sit on our desks?

Doesn’t happen often, right? What do you do in such situations?

Well, I have my quickfire ways to gather blog post ideas when I am completely clueless. These strategies have helped me stick to the writing schedule more often than not.

Here they are…

3 Ways to Create Blog Post Ideas


1. Scan the web

When I have no idea on my blog titles, I often scan the web looking out for latest news. I would then pick up a news item that appeals to my audience and write a blog post around it. The news being fresh helps me in catching the audience’s attention too.

Where do I go: Google Alerts (yes, I have set up lot of alerts), Scoop.it, Flipboard

On the other hand, if I have a subject in mind, it is much easier to get started. A simple research help’s me in picking up the content.

Where do I go: Google Search, Pinterest, Feed.ly

2. Read Old Posts

Well, you have already written once. Is that still relevant? You may have written about Facebook Contests and 3rd Party Apps earlier. Remember, they just relaxed the rules and you can write about it referring to the previous post.

Or may be you can even add more information than you did previously and share an updated post with your readers.

3. Check Comments

In my experience, comments are a great place to get quick blog post ideas. Few of your readers would have shared some interesting information, write a blog post around that.

Or few of them would have asked you some questions? Write a blog post using the same title and call out that reader in your post. While they would love the attention, you’ll get a loyal reader.


These tips have helped me tide over the blog post idea drought many times.

Your Turn

1. What do you resort to when no blog post ideas come to you?

2. Other than Editorial Calendar, do you use any other tool to save your ideas?

Image Credit: DeviantArt
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