Getty Images Opens Up With Free Images

Getty Images Free Image

Getty Images Free ImageGetty Images has long been a great resource for images.

Unfortunately, in the age of Social Media and Creative commons, much of the stock at Getty Images were paid.

But no more!!

You heard it right, Getty Images just announced the launch of a new Embed Tool that will allow blogger & site owners to use images for free. In turn, the bloggers will have to pick up the HTML code provided in the Embed Link and copy in their blog or site.

Are all images on Getty Images Free?

No, they are not.

A quick look at their Terms & Conditions on the embed policy, it’s very clear that –

Not all Getty Images Content will be available for embedded use, and availability may change without notice

This means, it’s not fully open and Getty Images reserves the rights to change the policy too.

Where will Getty Images get money from?

Essentially, you’re free to embed the image.

But a small catch here, Getty Images have put forward this condition –

Getty Images (or third parties acting on its behalf) may collect data related to use of the Embedded Viewer and embedded Getty Images Content, and reserves the right to place advertisements in the Embedded Viewer or otherwise monetise its use without any compensation to you

Wow, ads on images!!

Yes, that is how Getty Images will monetize.

But why did Getty Images change the policy?

No wonder that the photographer community would be up against the new policy.

While the market is dominated by free images, where many folks just do a quick Image Search on Google and pick up images from there, the pirated market was too big to compete.

So instead of going after all the infringements and crying hoarse about fair-use policy, Getty Image opened up few images. And through their T&C, they have made it clear that you can see ads on the images.

This I believe is a win-win deal for both Getty Images and Photographers as it will be able to bring more crowd and you know, more crowd means more money.

So off to Getty Images now, move over Flickr.

What is your take about the entire deal?

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