5 Easy SEO Tactics to Follow in 2014

SEO tactics

SEO tactics

Do you consider following any SEO Tactics on your site, even the basic ones?

If yes, then 2013 would have been a year in which you might have constantly looked at all the Google Updates.

For many of us, the Panda and the Penguin updates made a lot of difference. Many saw their traffic going down.

But that was not all, we had the Hummingbird released too. And that was the biggest change that Google had affected in all those years.

And adding to all those releases by Google we also have more number of websites coming up everyday. In fact 2012 had seen an addition of 51 million websites, assuming the growth remained same, we now have more than 700 million websites.

Each of these sites are vying for your attention.

There is no doubt that search engines will be getting more smarter and the stringent updates will continue over 2014. So your big game-plan should be about applying the best SEO tactics in 2014 and ensure that you stay ahead of the pack.

Wondering what you can do?

5 SEO Tactics for 2014

1. Quality Content

When you look closely at all the updates Google released last year, they were highly focused on getting the quality of content right. So one of your key SEO tactics for this year should be having the best content out there. A hint of spam and Google will come after you.

2. Content Type

Experiment a little.

Have a mix of videos and graphics on your site and you will see that search engines will love it. Visual marketing is being touted as the next level critical engagement and it brings much more quality traffic.

Embed Youtube videos or Slideshare presentation or even infographics as these.

3. Social Media Strategy

The third and most critical of the SEO Tactics would be having a killer Social Media Strategy.

Make it easy for readers to share and engage on your content. Have strategies for each of the Social Platforms – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+. All of these combined can provide you best audience from across the globe.

4. User Experience

Make easy for readers to use your site.

Remember, many of us access the sites using devices like phone and tablet, so is your site mobile ready? Having a ‘responsive’ design is no more optional.

In 2014, get your site re-designed for mobile devices to gain the best possible traction.

5. Competitor Analytics

Not a typical SEO tactic, but learn from competitors.

Yes, I am asking you to see what the competitors are doing. What SEO tactics are they implementing and if you find something new, you have to adopt it too.

Keeping a close watch on your competitors will help you maintain a lead over them.

Catch more in the infographic below:

SEO Checklist 2014

Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

Next steps

1. What were your key learning from all those Google updates in 2013

2. What SEO tactics are you following in 2014?

Also, you can join us on #SEOTalk Twitter Chat every Mondays 8.30PM India, 10AM EST where we talk about the current SEO and Digital tactics.

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