Sunday Six: All About Vic Gundotra

Vic Gundotra

Vic GundotraVic Gundotra is leaving Google.

Rather stale news by now.

But the best part was, he posted about it in his Google+ stream with an ‘And then’ update.

As head of Google I/O and Google+, Vic was pretty instrumental in making Google+ mainstream and driving it’s adoption.

Unfortunately, the departure is indeed creating some negative sentiments couple with the recent TechCrunch article about Google+ being a walking dead.

Then again, this article is not about Google+ but Vic Gundotra – who he is, what he was and much more.

The curated list of articles here are more on Vic and his area of work spanning Microsoft and Google. These articles are about the times since he moved out of IIT, a renowned Indian Engineering College and talks about his experience at Microsoft, why he left it, what made him join Google.

The articles also covers his work on Google+ and what he believes it can be and a article about small controversy on Google+ guidelines.

What you can do after reading this post?

1. Would be keen to hear your stories about Vic Gundotra

2. What happens to Google+ now? New features, less integration with G+?

3. Being a public list, you can also add any interesting article about Vic to this list

All about Vic Gundotra

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Image Credit: Flickr

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