Inbound Marketing Tactics – #SEOTalk Recap

SEOTalk Twitter Recap on Inbound Marketing Tactics

SEOTalk Twitter Recap on Inbound Marketing TacticsThis week on #SEOTalk Twitter Chat, we discussed about Inbound Marketing Tactics.

Inbound Marketing has become a key component of marketing strategy for brands across all hues since it is instrumental in them acquiring customers. The term coined by HubSpot relates to mapping customer journey and attracting them rather than going and pitching exclusively.

This form of marketing relies on multiple components like SEO, Blogging, Landing Pages, Content Marketing, etc. During the chat, we covered questions from the most basic like definitions to the key elements and finally on how it can be measured.

While there is no secret sauce to have the best strategy as it depends upon your marketing goal and industry. But the general rule of thumb or sales funnel is –

  1. Attract – You can use SEO, content marketing, etc to attract leads
  2. Convert – Once attracted, bring them to a landing page and convert via forms, call-to-action
  3. Close – Once you have the client/prospect details via landing page follow with email campaign and close sale
  4. Delight – You might have closed the sale but opened a relationship. Nurture relationship with offers, email campaigns to upsell

Check out what our participants had to say on the subject…

Questions from Inbound Marketing Twitter Chat

Q1. Starting with the basics, what is inbound marketing?
Q2. What are its key elements?
Q3. How can B2B vs B2C marketers use Inbound Marketing effectively?
Q4. How can SEO play an important role in Inbound Marketing?
Q5. What changes on the website should be done to effectively run Inbound Marketing Campaign?
Q6. Why is email marketing an important element of Inbound Marketing?
Q7. What tools do you suggest to measure impact of Inbound Marketing?

Replay of SEOTalk Live Stream

Chat Transcripts

Your Thoughts?

  1. Is Inbound Marketing a good tactic?
  2. Do share your own answers to the questions posted above






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