The state of SEO in 2013 [Infographic]

We are almost at the end of the second month in 2013 and I have has so much intresting discussions over SEO in the #SEOTalk Twitter Chat that I co-host. While the challenges with regards to the regular updates of Google remains, most of the participants there are of the opinion that going further your content will be the key to success on search engines. Stale sites and content without authorship will hardly stand a chance in the newer search paradigm. The era is going to be about social search targeted towards the consumers.

And this infograpic echoes the exact views of our participants.

SEO in 2013: The Year of the Consumer


I hope you’ve loved this infographic. Let me know how you look forward to rest of the 2013 from the SEO perspective. What different are you going to try?

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