12 Blog Promotion Strategies [Infographic]

Blog Promotion is one of the key step to success of any blog strategy. While the blog post that you were writing just got over, the world should know about it. And that is the step where many of us get confused.

Many times I have found myself trying to ascertain what should be my blog promotion strategy?

  • Should I promote on Social Platforms?
  • How will I track it?
  • Will my post get noticed?
  • Will it rank in search engines?

And there are innumerable such questions..

The following infographic explains the importance of Keywords, submitting feeds, using URL shortners like bit.ly for tracking links shared on social platforms, sending out smart updates, social bookmarking, comment strategy and many more.

Effective Blog Promotion Strategy

1. Review Keywords – I use WordPress SEO by Yoast for that

2. Link Building – Inbound and Outbout

3. Write description for social sharing

And once the post is published, blog promotion should be done by:

1. Sharing the Blog Post link using shortners like bit.ly

2. Social Bookmarking – Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Scoop.it

3. Social Sharing using Buffer, Hootsuite

Your Blog Post Promotion Checklist from DivvyHQ.com – Click the Graphic for Printing Instructions

Your Blog Post Promotion Checklist from DivvyHQ.com

Your Turn

1. What are your basic blog promotion strategies?

2. What should you not do while promoting your blog post?

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