5 More Content Writing Ideas

Content Writing Ideas

Content Writing Ideas

Content Writing is not easy. Period.

Is your goal catching the attention of the readers?

What you really want to do is, catch the attention of the mammoth crowd out there, the crowd who’s attention span is as long as a blink of the eye. You want these folks to read your content, spend more time and share it with their friends.

For that, your content writing has to be top notch. No fluffs, it has to be exciting for them to be wanting more.

Can you do it with the same kind of writing? Then you probably loved reading all the college books 🙂

My advice is mix up the content, make the reader notice. Convey to them that they are in for a unique experience every time they visit the site.

How would you do it?

Here are few different content writing ideas that should catch your readers attention of your readers.

5 Content Writing Ideas

1. Lists

The best part of ‘List’ post is, they are very easy to read. Pick up a topic and break it into segments.

As Nick Kellet puts it in a interview

The reason we consume lists is because they’re a pre-determined contract with the user. I know it’s a list, so I know it’s skimmable, there’s seven items so I can get a pretty good clue of how long it’s going to take me to skim that list, I only expect to skim it, because the reason I expect to skim it is because I only so much time.

That would explain why lists are appreciated. Again with tools like list.ly, the task of creating lists and embeding in your article becomes pretty easy.

I use the list.ly tool for most of my weekend round-up post.

2. How-To

In my previous post I had shared the idea of creating articles based on the Problem-Solution approach. Taking that approach further, your ‘How-To’ post can have list of steps that would help readers achieve their goals.

How To

The content in the how-to post can be in form of infographic or images or even a video.

3. Reviews

This content writing idea is much more suited when you’re looking forward to write an in-depth article. Pick up a product or a tool that you have recently bought or seen and dissect it.

Most of us look out for reviews of various products or tools before we venture out to buy them. So such posts are very popular if you review the right product at the right time

Review Post

4. Research

Are you good at finding numbers and those various surveys that are carried out? Can you interpret data?

If you can do all of these and provide and unbiased opinion about a particular report or a trend or anything that can help build an opinion, then your content writing should involve creating ‘research’ post.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Brian Dean and Jon Loomer for their research posts.

5. Interview

Most of the folks that I talk to happily agree for an interview. You know it’s one of the easiest way to stardom.

Look out for folks who interest you and believe that your readers will benefit from their PoV. Drop them a message, email and seek an appointment.

While videos content is best suited you can also have the Q&A typed out on your article. That way, if someone who cannot view the video will still be able to catch up with the interview.

That’s it!!

Hopefully these content writing ideas will do you good and might have sparked some ideas.

No matter where you are or what you’re doing, keep these ideas handy and you will never run out of inspiration.

What I want you to do now?

1. If you liked those ideas, do share with you audience – a tweet or a Facebook/Google+ update or a pin should be fantastic

2. Let me know what has worked for you, which ideas are you looking forward to implement.

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