Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post [Infographic]

Perfect Blog Post

Perfect Blog PostAlways wonder what is a perfect blog post?

Or how you can write a post that everyone can fall in love with?

I have often struggled with my article headline, opening statements, appropriate language, call to actions and everything that can constitute an interesting post.

Allain Robbe -Grillet has put nicely –

The true writer has nothing to say. What counts is the way he says it.

How can we tackle that?

By writing a perfect blog post, a post that consist of these 11 elements.

The infographic below by Copyblogger captures each of the 11 elements and has a simple yet powerful explanation for each of them.

11 Elements of a Perfect Blog Post

  1. Craft a magnetic headline
  2. Open with a bang
  3. Use persuasive words
  4. Write damn good sentences.
  5. Insert killer bullet points.
  6. Create exquisite subheads
  7. Tell a seductive story
  8. Keep attention with internal cliffhangers
  9. Choose an arresting image
  10. Close with style
  11. Be authentic

You can also listen to Jerod Morris talking about each of these topics with guest on the Lede Podcast.

11 Essential Ingredients Every Blog Post Needs [Infographic]

Like this infographic? Get content marketing advice that works from Copyblogger.

Undoubtedly this is an amazing list and you should be sticking this infographic on your desk. You might not be able to stick to all the 11 elements every time you write, but they serve as great reference point.

What can you do next?

1. Tell me what would you consider as the most important element of writing that perfect blog post?

2. Which is that one element that you would like to spend most of your time and get it very right.

Just drop your answers in the comments below and it would be great to engage with you.

And in the meantime, go ahead, use these tips and keep writing amazing content.

See you soon with the next article!

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